Everyone thinks about it. Even if you're that guy who goes around saying to all your friends 'It's my #dreamjob!' you still think about it. Lets pretend money is removed from the equation and you have the option to either: A. Go into an office for 8 hours and type on a laptop or B. Hang with friends on a beach in Australia, Go climb a mountain in China, Sail down the Nile River, or my favorite spend 3 days partying in Brazil at Carnival...which option do you pick? Exactly!
The point is we all get cabin fever and sometimes you just want to say: 'Fuck it! I'm out!' And today was my day to say: Fuck this! I'm going Bali!
I didn't particularly not like the people I work with, it was more the whole concept of being in an office all day that I no longer cared for. Few friends suggested I get a job working outside, but I don't think they understood. This is simply my time to take a break, travel to every country I've always wanted to visit, eat lots of strange food, make new friends, grow my hair out, burn ever suit I own, and enjoy having 365 days to do anything I like!
Explaining this to my boss was an interesting exercise, he pushed back for awhile. I think it was the part when I told him I purchased a one-way ticket to Bali and I've sold everything I own was when he put all his arguments to rest. It's official, I quit my job! No work for 365 days! And yes it feels great!
The point is we all get cabin fever and sometimes you just want to say: 'Fuck it! I'm out!' And today was my day to say: Fuck this! I'm going Bali!
I didn't particularly not like the people I work with, it was more the whole concept of being in an office all day that I no longer cared for. Few friends suggested I get a job working outside, but I don't think they understood. This is simply my time to take a break, travel to every country I've always wanted to visit, eat lots of strange food, make new friends, grow my hair out, burn ever suit I own, and enjoy having 365 days to do anything I like!
Explaining this to my boss was an interesting exercise, he pushed back for awhile. I think it was the part when I told him I purchased a one-way ticket to Bali and I've sold everything I own was when he put all his arguments to rest. It's official, I quit my job! No work for 365 days! And yes it feels great!